Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Boyishly Girly

The first picture was taken by my younger brother and the second picture I took. I like these pictures because it both what guy/boys like toads (and some girls) and flowers which is usually what ladies/girls like, the contrasting combination stood out to me as unique. :)  What do you think?

Female American Toad (Mother?) and Roses

American Toad (child?) and Lily
Note: these pictures where not taken on the same day but both toads where sighted in the same area (the flower bed in our front yard). 


  1. Haha! I never would have made that connection, between guys/toads & girls/flowers, if you hadn't said it. Very unique, but very cool photos! :D

    1. Thank you Rachel! It's more of a stereotype actually guy/toads and girls/flowers. I know girls that like toads and guys that like flowers (especially in the homeschool realm). I know all my family personally likes both. :)
